Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008

ELASA minimeeting 2008 kleinwalsertal


"This year’s European Landscape Architecture
Students Association (ELASA) minimeeting was
concerned with the topic of borders, boundaries and
limits. As we located the minimeeting in
Kleinwalsertal, which was for decades politically
Austrian but economically German, we literally
found ourselves “ border”. After organising,
sewing the conference booklets, and silk screen
printing promo materials ourselves, we were glad to
welcome 42 participants from 19 countries. This
variety of backgrounds rendered the minimeeting a
truly multicultural event in the setting of a small,
private hut in the mountains.

The programme consisted of keynote lectures,
workshops, discussions, and excursions, focussing
on personal, social, spatial and disciplinary border
situations. This gaze across one’s borders should
provoke participants, guests, and ourselves, to find
new approaches on landscape, in order to diversify
practice with previously unknown facets. This is
what we see as an important aspect for a
sustainable landscape practice, to be able to think
about the unexpected."


Aktuelle Beiträge

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hallo, verlinkt findet ihr hier unsere beiträge zum...
platzregen - 21. Nov, 23:51
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platzregen - 21. Nov, 23:36
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platzregen - 21. Nov, 22:25
thursday_personal and...
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platzregen - 21. Nov, 22:19
ELASA minimeeting 2008...
"This year’s European Landscape Architecture Students...
platzregen - 21. Nov, 22:09


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ELASA minimeeting 2008
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